It took a while, but today i was able to get out on the clam beds with my trusty $80 rake. Between lots of spring rain, work, and life i have been unable to get a favorable tide to clam. This morning the tide was dead low from the moon and the weather was calm. After catching a few fish in a worm spawning event at the ramp i hit the throttle and pointed the bow at the clam beds. Wow! the tide was low this morning. I jumped out with my rake and basket and put the hammer down on a limit of clams.

After i returned home i dropped the clams off at Savage Ed's for a summer dinner. I went home showered and had time to take a nap. When i returned in the afternoon, i got to work right away. People were hungry and stuffed clams take a while to make because of the multiple steps. I started by separating the clams, little ones and big ones. The little necks i saved to be opened on the grill. The bigger clams were for stuffing. After separating the clams, i scrubbed them with a sponge. The Big clams were put into a pot with a little olive oil and fresh garden herbs. As the clams opened they added water to the oil, and the best clam stock ever was born. While i prepared the big clams Savage Ed threw the little necks on the grill with two fresh hot garden peppers. The crowd was very pleased with a small slice of hot pepper and a fresh clam.

The big clams took a while, but eventually they opened up and i was able to separate the meat from the shell. I also poured some stock in a container that i froze for latter. Savage Ed put the clams in a food processor with some bacon, onion, garlic, and fresh garden herbs. I thew the other half of the onion mix in a pan with some melted butter. Eventually everything was thrown together. All we had to do was add some bread crumbs to thicken the mix. Savage Ed was in charge of the bread crumbs and got it right. We stuffed the clam shells and thew them in the oven for 20 minutes. YUM!!!!
The Final Product |
The Olive Oil Clam Stock. I saved this! |
The Little Necks. |
I want to thank Savage Ed and his wife rounding out the meal with steaks and desert.
It's all very lovely..... but where's mine?
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff Savage.
Brk Trt, we should get together one morning and fish an out going tide then go clamming.
ReplyDeleteAll looks very delicious., Hope your made enough to share with your readers!!!
ReplyDeleteThat looks almost too good to just look at. Makes me sad I couldnt taste it
ReplyDeleteI did not start clamming until i was about 25. I wish i started clamming earlier. It is hard to beat fresh clams and oysters, no mater how you cook them......or don't cook them.
ReplyDeleteWow, nicely done on the clams. I didn't even know something like that was possible. One of the many pluses about living on the east coast. Those look absolutely delicious. Yummmmo! Thanks for sharing. Great Stuff. Tight Lines.
ReplyDeleteI grew up clamming (and still do) but we used our feet instead of rakes, haha. This looks delicious and I am stealing stock trick ;). We usually throw them on the grill and the bigger ones I stick in the food processor to freeze for chowder later. Last year, my husband Rambob, had me take the smaller ones and scrub 'em down....then stick 'em in a ziploc bag and into the freezer the and all. In the middle of winter we took them out, threw 'em in a disposable pan and set it on the grill and cooked them until they opened...tasted like we just dug 'em.