Welcome to Outdoor Savages! We are a small group of friends that enjoys nothing more than to spend our free time in the outdoors. Here are the first hand accounts of our adventures. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ward Pound Ridge Hike

Penny's muddy feet(photo by Meaghan Boisfeuillet)
trail map
    With some of the nicest winter weather on hand again this week i decided to do a day hike with my dog, Penny, and my wife.
  For today's trip we decided to leave our New England territory and head into NY, home of Superior  Baseball, Sunday Hunting, Sunday alcohol sales, Super Bowl Champion Giants, and April 1st opening day.  In Addition the State of New York is also home to countless outdoor adventure opportunities.  Ward Pound Ridge is just such a place.  The park, located in Westchester County, is over 4,000 acres.  People can camp, picnic , fly fish, hike, horse back ride, and snow shoe.  You can learn more about the park at, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
trout land
   During the winter months there is no charge to use the park on week days, however, they will take donations.  They use the donations to maintain the trails and nature museum.  My wife and i drove in and parked.  I strapped on my new day pack.  In the day pack i like to carry my fleece, water, some food, first aid, dog supplies, compass, fire starter, and emergency blanket.  My wife got Penny and off we went.  The choice was made to take the Brown trail, because it would give us a wide range of terrain and habitats to traverse. It is also a loop trail that would bring us back to the car.  For the total 3.7 miles we were not disappointed.  We went up hill, down steep hills, along swamps, and along a great little stream.  We meet other hikers and a few dog walkers, which was good for my dog.  When the trail reached the top of a hill we stopped and gave penny a drink and ate a few strawberries.  Then it was back to the trail where we finished the loop back to the car. 

     HIGH FIVE to the men and women at the park for keeping the trails marked and clear. I was impressed because a lot of the destruction from the Halloween snow storm and hurricane Irene has been cleaned.  I rate the trails easy with no ladders or rock scrambles.  Over all we had a great time in the warm winter sun!  I will be back for more hiking and some fishing. 


  1. Great hike.
    Love that stream, and the sign.

    1. Brk Trt, you would love this stream. It is stocked, but does have wild fish. It is a great park.

  2. cant wait to see a couple trout come out of that water, nice day Savage
